Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tires, How to Find for a Trip

By Jimmy Kidd

Purchasing tires can become complicated. It's difficult to understand where to get started, and especially if you're new to buying tires it's doubtful you have a feel for the specifics of what you need. I hope this asset will assist you buy your subsequent set of tires. This is the information we would give to our kids if they asked how to buy tires.

Step 1: Closely examine the tires you have on your car at this time. Inspect the volume, type, model #'s etc... You can find most of that information on the sidewall of the tire itself. You might not understand it all at first, but that's no problem. Make sure you copy the information down so you have it when you need it. Also make sure you actually need new tires.

Step 2: Call up our featured tire shop or the tire shop of your choice and say: Hello, I'm the owner of a 2006 Chevy Equinox and I'm wondering what kind of tires you have in stock for that make and model? (rotate your make and model clearly) Grab something to write on, and copy down everything they say. Get the exact pricing information inclusive of installation, and the detailed facts and figures on the tires. You might have to ask but,check out what the manufacture suggested mileage is. NOTE: Some shops will say they don't know what kind of tires your car needs. That's why you wrote down all the details of your current tires. Now they should have no trouble giving you the info you need.

Step 3: Compare what you found at the first shop with a few other tire shops in the area.

Step 4: Now that you've got some solid information, narrow your choices down to 2-3 potential tires. Search Google for the name and model of each tire and find out what the customer reviews say. Read reviews, automotive magazines, any information you can find on the specific tire.

Step 5: You're now prepared to make a decision on tires for your vehicle.

We really hope this guide helped you in some way. If you learn something you'd like to share during your tire purchase please leave a comment so others can learn as well. Best Wishes!

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