Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sharing the Satisfaction of Craft Fairs to Kids

By Rick Amorey

For some people, the art of making crafts can be quite rewarding. However, it is also true that this is a hobby that requires a great deal of time and effort to reach a level of greatness. Not all will reach it, and there are a lot of aspiring craftspeople that fall on the way. But not to worry, this is sometimes not due to lack of skill. We are all creative people. Instead, lack of greatness comes from not having dedication to your work.

I've met a lot of impressive artisans that have started honing their talents from a very young age. Now, I'm not trying to bring down some of the older ones who are just beginning to try it, but I'm just saying it's a good idea to inspire your children from their early years. Some of these crafts, of course, involve the use of dangerous bladed, serrated or pointed tools, so you should always be around to provide help.

The best way to engage your child when trying on crafts making is to do some yourself. By working with them side-by-side, you are able to bond with them as well. Any parent would love to spend more time with their children, and this is a surefire way to do it.

Once you notice how your child is improving, and getting more self-confident, you may want to show off his or her works at a craft fair. There are a lot of events all year round, all over the country. Just make sure you go into a non-juried show first, to build up your child's credibility and confidence.

What is a non-juried show? Simply put, in a non-juried show, you just need to secure a booth and just mind it the whole day showing off your (or your child's) crafts. On the other hand, a juried show will require you to submit a portfolio with the best of your existing works, and a jury will decide whether you can be accepted into the limited number of booths or not. If you (or your kid) is just a starter, then go for the non-juried shows first.

So bring your child to a craft show and you'll definitely have fun bonding with him or her! Search for a list of upcoming events on the Internet and I'll be seeing you!

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