Saturday, March 28, 2009

Decorating your Home Using Flea Market Finds

By Mercie Hallow

Do you know the saying that A mans trash is another mans treasure? In a flea market, there are lots of unique finds such as furniture, slip covers, fabrics, wallpapers, etc. that you can use to decorate and give a fresh new look for your home. Let your flea market finds found themselves a new owner and revive their existence by transforming it into something functional again. You may be able to redecorate your home at a lower expense without spending too much.

Beat-up furniture can be revived using very simple techniques. A chair can be as good as new by applying a fresh coat of paint. Give a new life to this furniture by adding embellishments and using hand painted techniques that will increase the life from your furniture. Top it all of with a transparent glazing to give it a different shine. The chair is as good as brand new!

The terms Bargain Decor and "Shabby Chic" are terms used to define second hand or cheap items from thrift shops. There are many things and design ideas to use in old, used or beat-up furniture and accessories. Having a nice sense of creativity is essential so these unique pieces could all mesh well together. The result is truly very stunning when viewed after.

There is a lot of information on the Internet and on the general media with regards to designing on a budget. The reason behind is because of the people who are becoming practical especially during a time of crisis like now. The beauty and aesthetic appeal of a space should not be compromised budget wise. It is up to the owners creative sense to mix and match these items to be able to create a beautiful and aesthetically pleasing interior.

Come on over your neighborhood's flea market now and discover savvy and gorgeous finds that you can use to decorate your home!

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