Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Traveling Is A Fantastic Thing

By Clinton H. Xavier

Do you love traveling? Of course you do. You get to leave your normal, everyday worries behind and explore the world around you. Mark Twain once said that living without traveling is like owning a book without reading it. However, there are some people who have forgotten this amazing truth. In this article, I will share with you my thoughts on why traveling is so important.

Even if you love your job, it's too easy to get stuck in the same old routine. Work Monday through Friday, and spend Saturday and Sunday catching up on things around the house like laundry and cleaning. Pretty soon the weeks turn into months, which turn into years. You suddenly find yourself looking in the mirror and wondering where all the time went. When you make sure to take at least one trip every year, it can spice things up a bit.

Of course, when you visit other places, you will get incredible perspectives on the world. If you have never left your home town, or even the surrounding area, you will be amazingly surprised what happens you step foot into a foreign country. The language barrier itself will expand your mind in ways that you can't even think about.

If you take a vacation once in a while, it will be a great way to relieve stress. Many times people carry around a great deal of stress with them without even knowing about it. This can cause all kinds of health problems. The amount of stress release you feel when you take a vacation is nothing short of amazing.

One way to visualize this is to imagine yourself on a beautiful beach, or some other beautiful part of the world where you'd like to be. You have your favorite food and drink within reach, there is some soothing music playing in the background. Doesn't this seem less stressful than wondering if your boss is going to approve your report or not?

If you meet people who are from another country, it can really change your perception about human nature. Many times we come up with ideas about other people that aren't really true. But when you meet them in person, this can change dramatically.

Of course, there are many more reasons to take a vacation every now and then. Once you make this a yearly habit, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.

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