Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Positive Outlook: Breaking Out of The Comfort Zone

By Ian Kleine

We earlier, had discussed what comfort zones are. These are states where you feel you are most familiar with, and these are the zones where you are afraid of leaving behind. It's a psychological spur that causes most humans to seek comfort, and the comfort zone being a place specifically for that. But the comfort zone is not synonymous to progress and development. Should you wish to grow up, you have to leave the nest and fly off.

Try to realize first that breaking out of your comfort zone can be a very easy, or a very hard thing to do. The comfort zone is both relative and undetermined. For each human being, the comfort zone can stretch up to miles on end, or could just be as limited as the space in your basement. The comfort zone is not just a concrete place or area, but it can also be a state of mind.

Take the regular employee for example. You sleep, wake up, eat, go to work, do something, go back home and then eat and sleep again. This is what we call a typical routine. You do your stuff, you get paid. Say for 400 dollars for 2 weeks, most young men would find the offer catchy and take the job.

So it supports you and your family. The work is not hard, and you have time for yourself. But there is no development. You are comfortable with where you are, why break this cycle then? Give yourself time to think.

Don't you want to get richer? Filthy richer? Don't you want to raise your quo up a bit and earn just more? But you have a good life already! There certainly is no need to do break that cycle now, is there?

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