Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Gay Vacations With A Purpose

By Howie Holben

Vacations are something that everyone takes in order to get themselves out of the hustle and bustle of the real world for a little bit of relaxation and rejuvenation. This time away is very important to both our physical and mental health. There are many different types of vacations that one can take in order to fill these needs.

You can vacation alone, with friends or family, or you can travel with a group. You can also choose to travel with a group of people that have similar backgrounds and interests. Spiritual gay vacations and travel is one choice for gay people.

Being gay, we all have at least one thing in common. Vacationing with others that have had similar experiences in life can add to our time away. This commonality helps to form bonds within the group.

People that were at first strangers, become friends quickly and easily. This is one reason gay vacations are great way to travel. Knowing that we are understood by those around us adds an immediate sense of comfort to the group.

This understanding helps us to relax and open ourselves up and allows us to be a little more vulnerable. When we're relaxed and open, we're able to go a little deeper into the vacation experience. This allows us recover from life's stresses more quickly and more fully.

Taking it to an even deeper level, we can take gay vacations with people of similar intentions. Travelling with men and women that want to grow spiritually is one way to do this. Then not only do we share our gayness, we share goals for the vacation.

Visiting sacred sites all over the world combined with a desire to grow spiritually can open doors never before seen. With other group members helping us, we can face old fears and become a little freer. And isn't feeling freer the main goal of a vacation?

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