Friday, June 12, 2009

Small Tips that Make Big Help 2

By Ian Kleine

Ever seen that orange, noisy ninja most parents would find their kids ogling about all day? The blond kid's name is Naruto. And although he is quite annoying and very noisy for a ninja, he has a pretty good motto that each and every proprietor should have in their mindset; "Believe it!"

Always believe in yourself and in the things that you do. There is no one more reliant than yourself when it comes to business that requires your whole self in it. Project yourself a positive image. That you are the hard worker that you believe in yourself, that you are well-versed in your craft that your stuff is able to compete with everyone else's. Possibly be even more superior than theirs is.

Pessimism is something that you don't need right now. Be positive. Think about your dreams. Then think about your goals. Now, think about how you are going to achieve these goals. Set up a time-based plan that is both within sound reason and valid. Everyone needs a guide, a plan of some sort. Wake up each day and think about those plans that you are going to accomplish for that day. And be clear about those plans. If you're not sure about those itself, you will never be able to finish them. As said, believe in yourself!

Have that positive aura around you always. Being positive will net you your dream soon enough, if you couple it with prudence, dedication and reliability. Maintain constant communication with your clients and request for feedback, making them part of your operation rather than as a cash cow others would treat their customers as.

Don't be afraid to speak your mind. When you need to say something, say it now and say it with conviction. You can never advance if you don't come out of your proverbial shell. When you need to involve your customer, think of it as "they want to get involved" not "they might just pass me off". Customers, at a high rate, are delighted to be involved in something, especially if it has something to do with their interests (like them buying your arts and crafts for example).

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