Sunday, February 5, 2012

What To Declare When You Arrive At America From Overseas

By Bernard Bowers

If you went abroad, then you may buy some things to bring home. When you return to America, you will have to declare these items, and, if the value is too high, you may have to pay dearly.

So, what do you have to declare? Is it just souvenirs? Here's a list of those things that you must tell the customs and immigration agents.

Items that you bought and are carrying with you upon your return.

Gifts that you were given.

Items you inherited.

Those items you purchased at duty-free shops.

Any repairs or alterations to items that you brought from home and back, even if those repairs or alterations were for free.

Those items that you brought home for someone.

Things that you plan on selling or using in business.

And if you got items in the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, or in a Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act country, and had the merchant send them to you, you still have to declare them. This is quite different from the procedure for mailed items.

You must state on the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) declaration, in U.S. currency, what you actually paid for each item. The price must include all taxes. If you don't know for sure, estimate. If you were only given the item, then estimate its retail value in the country where you received the item.

Remember that just because you use the item you've bought on your trip doesn't exempt you from duties. You have to declare the item at the price you paid for or at its fair market value (if it was given to you).

You'll be required to pay a customs fee if the value of your items exceeds the exemption. This can sometimes be very high.

Check with the CBP web site before you go so that you know the rules and regulations. Plan your shopping accordingly and spare yourself the expense when you get home.

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