Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Easy Way To Carnival Booking

By Marissa Potter

You probably are not terribly familiar with the process of carnival booking. Often, first timers are looking for some insight on how this is done so they know they are making good decisions. Once you have gone through the initial steps you will find that it is easy, fast, and can be a great way to bring a party to your town or city.

You can have a lot of fun getting the show together. You will be able to see exactly how to choose from the various companies that are available and what kinds of cool rides and games they offer. If you plan on going through an agency you might not get to see every single vendor and ride, but you will definitely be able to see enough to be sure that you are booking the right company. Once you find a suitable arrangement and price, there is a simple online form to fill out to try to reserve your spot.

Usually, carnivals are booked for things like county fairs or other local celebrations that will draw a significant but not a huge crowd. The number of days that you want to book will be defined by the number of people you anticipate showing up. If you are doing a fundraiser event, then you want to try to presell as many tickets as possible so that you can estimate the attendance rate. Charging for parking is the fastest way to earn funds.

Using the show as a fund raiser for a non-profit can be difficult. There are a lot of rules, including not competing with any of the vendors that are there with the show. It is often recommended that the parking fees be used for the funds that need to be raised as getting a booth set up requires a lot of approval from the company that you have to get in a short period of time, assuming that they will even allow you to set up a booth. A lot of companies will not because it is just too much extra work.

If you are set on a single company providing the traveling show the hardest part will be scheduling the event. Choose a time that is not going to be highly requested. Almost every city and town wants to have the carnival sometime over the fourth of July. If you move back or forth just a couple of weeks you are more likely to have success. Some cities and towns have contracts for five to ten years in advance for this particular week. While early booking is recommended, it is also not going to guarantee success.

If this is your first big event you may wish to only book a weekend, including Friday, in order to make sure you can get a good return on your investment. It might seem as though a week is a great idea but unless you can be absolutely sure you can pull in the attendance you need it can also be rather costly. If it works out well you can always book a full week for the following year.

Fun rides, cool shows, and lots of traditional tasty treats are exactly what makes a fun event. There is a sense of tradition about carnivals that brings families back every year. Between the smell of caramel popcorn and the lights and sights you find all you ever wanted to see as a child. Cotton candy sticky faces climbing aboard a child appropriate roller coaster ignites a lot of memories for you, and starts them for the young ones.

You can easily handle online carnival booking options. You find the company or agency you are planning to use and fill out the form as the information is requested. From there you can just follow the prompts and you will find that there is a load of fun waiting for your town. Book early to get the best companies and prepare to enjoy the show.

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