Thursday, December 15, 2011

Easily Organize Your Move With The Assistance Of Experienced Southern California Moving Companies

By Elias E Barcia

Moving: We've all done it, but the fact of the matter is that we don't all enjoy it. And a Southern California moving expert completely understands your frustration. There's never a dull moment, and when things couldn't get any worse, the moving help is never on time! How might you make the ordeal of moving a non-stressful event? There are several things to consider, and if you follow this advice your move will be uneventful.

Consider, if you will, the Southern California moving marketplace. It's a pretty big region, and there are countless places to call home. But on any given day of the week, California expressways, freeways and city streets are sprinkled with bumper-to-bumper traffic. With all of this extra traffic and chaos, Southern California movers plan their home transitions early. And if you're willing to risk your peace-of-mind on a last-minute, disorganized move, we don't envy you. So, make sure you're organized and ready for your big day BEFORE you hire your Southern California moving company.

At around thirty days before your move, you will need to put in a change of address. Now, you can easily change your address online, over the telephone by dialing 1 - 800 - ASK - USPS (275 - 8777), or by visiting your local post office in-person.

Next, you will want to assemble a file with all of your important reference documents. For example, you might include copies of a lease contract, utility hookup information and meal plans for the last week (if it suits you, you can budget for eating out.). And if you are the house seller, you might compile the list of service contractors that you've used over the years, for the new homeowner.

Lastly, but most importantly, make certain you assemble a box of essentials. There's nothing worse than unnecessarily wasting money on toothpaste, paper towels, body soap, deodorant, contact lens solution or anything else that you would use for you daily hygiene.

Now, that you've taken the time to plan out your move strategically, you'll need to book your move with a reputable Southern California moving company. Make certain that you review their track record and that they don't have a history of customer complaints. You will also need to comparison shop to make certain you're getting the best deal.

Using these tips will help you - especially Southern California movers - have an organizer, uneventful home transition. So, start packing your belongings, load up your moving van and start moving into your new place.

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