Monday, November 30, 2009

Travel Packages To Disney World: The Cheapest Way To Feel the Magic

By Joseph Archibald

Upon a visit to Disneyland, not only in Florida but also in Paris, one of the biggest gripes among visitors is that the amount of time spent in queues is beyond belief!

If you are to wait for a popular Disneyland ride you could wait for most of the day in a queue. So what if your vacation is only for a day or so? Obviously there is not the time to stand in long lines just waiting, so what is the answer to this problem?

In actual fact, its been proven that if you choose a certain queue over the other queue for the same ride (meaning either left or right side) you could save a lot of time. Furthermore, there are "secret" entrance ways that will save you a long walk and allow you to bypass much of the crowds.

Okay then, so where do you manage to get this sort of information that allows you to cut down the time wastage? The Disney World Vacation Savings and Travel Guide is a really great source of all things Disneyland, or The Ultimate Disney World Savings Guide by Beth Haworth too is great for insights and "know-hows" when it comes to Disney World.

Its a really good idea to get at least one of these guides because there is no where else to get the tips on offer in the guides. However, there is another way to skip the queue, so to speak, and that's called "Fastpass"!

There will be lots of different tour packages and most of them will be very hard to resist. When making your decision, it is important that before you take final actions that you have surveyed everything first. Make sure that you have checked all the offers and that you have chosen the best deal. A trip to Disney World is always a great treat for the children, but why should it not be the best treat for you, as well?When making your decision, take down all the packages and jot down all the other details about the trip.

The best way to use the Fastpass is to find out before visiting the park which attractions and which rides you can use the pass on, as its not viable for all rides or attractions. To be very efficient, its good to get as many Fastpass uses in through the day as possible. The more you use it the more you can do in a single day - it comes down to this!

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