Sunday, July 28, 2013

Splendid Tips On Life Management

By Sasha Halloway

It often happens that you hit 30 and you realize that you don't have the degrees that you wanted, or the job that you wanted or the life that you wanted. What you need is a life management plan. It's not enough just to have a plan, you have to follow through on them. At times, it takes years to perfect a plan and in some ways it is always a work in progress because your priorities in life might change. But there are a few tips that you can follow in order to have a less stressful, less insane lifestyle. Here are some of them.

The first thing to do is to never get into a situation without getting something out of it for yourself or your business. If attending a conference, making a phone call or putting yourself on a mailing list is just going to bother you without securing any benefits then don't do it. It is all right to be selfish with your time and energy. Also don't spend hours and hours on social media trying to promote your personality, ideas or business. Here too, benefit is the rule of thumb. If you aren't getting anything out of it, get out.

Don't be paranoid and check your mail every half hour. You will only be driven up the wall. We suggest you check your mail four times a day or hiring a managed services company to help manage the information flow. Weed out mail that is from unknown sources, or sources that you know to be useless for your purposes.

Always check the name of the sender and have the first line visible so that you know what the mail deals with. That way you can tackle mail that needs urgent attention first and keep the rest on wait. We all receive a lot of unwated mail everyday, and it shouldn't take an IQ of !80 to figure out what is junk and what is useful.

Get yourself a calendar. Either use the one with Outlook or go in for an old-fashioned desk planner. Set yourself reminders. Also write down your goals, the ones you want to achieve in the immediate future. Write down what you wish to accomplish each day of the week, each week of the month and each month of the quarter, so that you are dealing with what's concrete. Being busy is fine, but being busy to no great purpose is a waste of time.

One of the surest ways of reducing stress is to leave your mobile on your desk everytime you leave your office to attend a meeting or talk to a colleague. You will be able to pay attention to the business at hand and terminate the encounter feeling much fresher than if you had to attend to the phone every now and then. Have some method in your life.

That is the time when people are likely to be more cantankerous, distracted and fatigued. They are less able to decide and less able to act on decisions that are made. Schedule meetings for the morning, when the morning routines are over and you are ready to open business for the day.

Never forget the value of kindness. Speak gently to your co-workers, employees and employers. Treat people the way you would want to be treated yourself. Finally, give to yourself, before you give to others. Do the small things that count for so much. Don't hold yourself back. That's what life management is about.

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