Tuesday, February 12, 2013

If You Are Tired Of The Same Irish Drinking T Shirts Crowd, Then Come To Ireland This St. Patrick's Day

By Terry Thatcher

When Irish-American immigrants first started waving their Irish flags and parading through the streets a few short decades ago, it was to raise common awareness to the Irish plight and push for equality. Now that there are millions of silly partiers in silly Irish clothing flooding the streets of America each year, do you think those first paraders would feel ashamed? Well, I feel plenty ashamed for all of us, because that's not how we do things in Ireland.

The older ladies and gents of Ireland have no clue what St. Patrick's Day has become in the States. They spend St. Patrick's Day with an early church service and a whole lot of family and friends. If they were even to see someone wearing outrageous Irish tees in church, they would probably die of shock. Some of those t-shirts are quite naughty, and they seem to have become a bit of a tradition in the States. Going to church on St. Patrick's Day isn't just a tradition. You better be sick or dead if you aren't seen at mass or you will get a stern talking to from a few of the elders.

After spending your required time at church, then it's time to go home for a bit. Do you know what's waiting on you at home? Well, it's a huge and beautiful Irish meal cooked traditionally and in huge amounts so that the whole family can come by. I know you're thinking about corned beef right now, but you would be better suited to think about roasted vegetables and roast chicken instead. Don't you dare wear those crazy Irish tees to the table either, unless you want grandmother to slap it off your back!

I know for a fact that the cities of Cork and Galway are planning some huge events this year for Saint Patrick's Day celebrations. They have concerts, treasure hunts, parades, and massive family festivals all week long. I guess we have the American influence to thank for that, but I'm not complaining. The first American I see in an Irish-green t-shirt I'm boxing up and sending back to the states, though!

If you have never experienced a traditional Saint's Day, then you should definitely visit us here in Ireland and see for yourself how wonderful it can be. We don't need parties, silly Irish apparel, or gallons of beer. All we need is our devotion to God, our family, and our loving communities. We would love it if you came and celebrated the good Saint Patrick as he was meant to be honored. We will cook up some delicious food for you, and we won't say a word if you join the boys down at the pub for a drink or two after dinner is all done and gone.

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