Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Words Of Advice For Tourist Attractions In China

By Chris Channing

A trip to the breath-taking lands of China is considered to be the trip of a lifetime by Western civilizations, so it's good to make use of a trip if one should decide to depart. But to do so, one must first become familiar with their options from the experiences of others and travel agents alike.

When the Western hemisphere thinks of fun tourist attractions in China, The Great Wall is probably one of the first to come to mind. The Great Wall spans an enormous area around China, and is truly a magnificent world wonder considering the age in which it was built. While it doesn't have much defensive use for China now, it still serves as a popular form of tourism income for the Chinese government.

Like The Great Wall, The Forbidden City is another attraction that is hard to pass up. The Forbidden City is an enormous city that has been preserved through the sands of time, despite being built long ago. The architecture of the buildings is classic Chinese culture, the stuff of inspiration and great photograph opportunities. The Forbidden City is such a large attraction that travelers should expect a crowd when visiting on vacation.

For more of a lengthy sight seeing tour, one might consider exploring the rivers and seas of China. In particular, the Li River is popular for its long stretch of beautiful scenery. The route is complete with mountains, rock deposits, cliffs, and beautiful banks to look at while passing along the stretch of river. Tourists appreciate the sights so much, in fact, that thousands of people cross its waters each year just to get a glimpse of nature's beauty.

Going to China just wouldn't be the same without taking part in the relaxation so many tourists experience at the beaches each year. The most popular of China beaches are filled with palm trees, beautiful waters, and plenty of hotels and dining areas for tourists to buy services from. Going to a beach is also a great way to meet locals and learn more of the Chinese culture in its present day form.

If possible, try to plan catching a festival of sorts. Different festivals occur throughout the year that correspond to important calendar dates. The Spring Festival, for instance, is the Chinese New Year and attracts quite the large crowd. Streets are often filled with dancers, parades, and a great number of vendors in which to buy things from. While it may be a cultural overload, it is truly amazing to see.

Closing Comments

China is full of wonderful things to see, do, and take part in. Clearly, a simple guide won't give China the justice it deserves. Talk to a travel agent for more information on how you can plan a truly unforgettable trip to the amazing lands of China.

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