Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Female Midlife Crisis Is Very Disturbing

By Mattie MacDonald

At times ladies within society feel that they are being abused and used by the men who are in their lives. A female midlife crisis can happen at any time and it can cause stress to a woman and her family members. Sometimes this illness can be treated if the patient is willing to face certain issues. A fifty year old woman was very happy with her life and family until she went down a strange path.

One night she decided to go to a club instead of going home to her very loving and devoted husband. A group of people at her job convinced this modest woman to hang with them at the most deviant place in town. This club was well known for drug use and other criminal activities. Other people had claimed that the place was also notorious for dealing with prostitutes.

This particular woman had made the decision to hang around human beings who had little or no morals and it really affected her home life. Eventually she had become addicted to the drugs and other activities that were offered within this establishment. Sometimes this once caring wife and mother would arrive at home well past midnight.

Her spouse was surprised at this sudden destructive behavior and he desperately wanted to help his wife. He knew that there were many doctors within the area who could stop this addictive behavior which was ruining everything good. The woman saw several shrinks but it did not help matters at all.

In order to even the score with her husband she decided to have sexual encounters with other men who were visiting the club. She enjoyed this type of erotic revenge and knew that it would eventually break her marriage apart. Unfortunately her spouse placed this daring woman into a facility that would contain her for a long time.

Another lady living in California was also going through this type of event after reaching her forty-fifth birthday. The people that worked with this lady had given her a wonderful birthday party during the business hours and she enjoyed it very much. All of the male workers at this establishment knew that she was much older than any of the other females in this company.

Even though she was forty-five she still felt as vibrant as the younger generation. Before the night was over the California native had been to the most expensive dress shop in order to buy new clothes and shoes. She also visited a beautician who changed her hair in a very drastic manner. The entire staff was shocked at her new appearance when she returned to work.

She was called into her supervisor's office at the end of the day to discuss her new appearance. It seemed as though her boss was not thrilled with the new look that she decided to choose. He reminded the woman that she was there to set a positive example for the younger people. The next day she went back to her usual forty-five year old style.

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