Sunday, July 6, 2014

Symptoms Of Female Midlife Crisis

By Rosella Campbell

Life is a chain that consists of numerous phases. The evolution from a phase to another may at times create misery to the person undergoing it. Sometimes this misery becomes excess that the condition is considered a disaster. Female midlife crisis normally is very common. It takes place when the women are between their late 30s and 40s. In the previous years, the roles of the female gender were defined well hence the degree of midlife stress was low.

However in the twentieth century, the lifespans of women have been lengthened incredibly with many of them living up to seventy or eighty years. When they get to around forty years and the task of bearing children is over, they start having a stretch of life that appears like a vacuum. At this point when their children have grown independent, they start deliberating if their lives really count.

Most women will start feeling an inexplicable feeling of loneliness that overcomes them like they have no sense of identity. They start being conscious of their gradually fading energy and beauty and they may start falling into depression. This feeling of loneliness will even be more evident if they have a case of marital dissatisfaction.

Whether wedded, single or widowed, numerous women usually experience this phase when they reach their mid age. For instance, you may get a woman who previously chose to be a single to concentrate on her vocation starting to feel lonely and cannot live alone. She might even go to an extreme of announcing for a suitable partner in the newspaper for she is too impatient.

Another midlife situation may be that of a widowed woman who may suddenly feel the need to change her looks. She may start applying anti-aging creams, consulting stylists or even dressing as teenagers. Even if people gossip about their new behaviors, they are not likely to change because all they think about at this point is how they can look better.

Every woman must be prepared for this phase. It is a time to take stock and examine their on lifestyle. They need to first identify all the factors that may lead to them having a midlife crisis and make sure they address them individually. If it is the fear of aging, they should try accepting that they are growing old and that age is a good opportunity just like being in their youth.

Some women spend a lot of their lifespan caring for their children. There comes a period when these kids grow and stop depending on them leading to their mothers feeling useless. In this period, the women also get more exposed to numerous types of ailments like hypertension, diabetes or obesity. At this point the most important thing is that they live a constructive life. All these concerns are the origins of the unusual types of behavior seen in middle aged females.

Anticipating and preparing for this stage in life can be perfect way of making this transition easier. If they take the mid age as a time of discovery, moving through this transition will become easier. They will be able to take the stage with humor and flexibility.

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