Saturday, April 12, 2014

Tips To Get A Comfortable Ride With Saddle Stirrups

By Anita Ortega

Finding ways to make a comfortable horse ride might seem a bit complicated but these tips will simplify things. The first that you have to consider is that the design of the saddles is something that could affect the soundness of a rider. The front arch should be be sufficiently high and wide with angles that supports sliding of the shoulders.

You should also be aware that it is common for horse to change their shapes. This is the reason behind the need to change the saddle stirrups yearly because if not, they would not have the proper fitting. This can be due to a lot of causes such as aging, loss or gain or body wight and muscle mass.

The next thing that you have to secure is the appropriate cinch and you can count on this even if the saddles do not fit right. Avoid over tightening the front part because that will only make the horse feel uncomfortable and if you have it rigged doubly, you should use both of the cinches with a connector strap for your own safety. You must also get one that can be easily cleaned.

You might also consider buying a cinch for the back as this would be needed when you go for trails with steeper slopes or when your saddles are not safely secured. By this, you will gain more stability in riding. Before going through the road, ensure that you will be guiding your horse so it would be accustomed to that.

Another matter that you have to keep in mind is to get a crupper and a breast collar since these two would keep you secure. This can also prevent the risk of incurring sores when you have to ride up hill because the crupper will keep you from sliding towards the front part. The breast collar will also work when you have to climb up a trail which is steep.

Tie rings and strings can also be added so that you would be able to get the most comfortable ride with enhanced points of attachments. This will be very needed when you go on trails. A saddlemaker can have these attached or you may bring this to a tack shop.

The seat should also fit you properly and you should be comfortable on it. This must be done at least annually before you go on your first ride. Try standing on a stirrup try sitting down again without moving your lower legs and without feeling that you are about to fall.

If you are thinking about buying a stirrup, think first about investing on the one which has the necessary width and flatness. This is a good choice when it comes to getting something that would maximize the support for the ball of the foot and some even have wide treads. There are also those with pads that are able to absorb shock which is for the enhancement of foot or joint comfort.

You must understand too that a stirrup has the natural sideways position which you should not fight with. Otherwise, your ankles and knees might get sore. You can also go for saddles which are lightweight.

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