Sunday, September 8, 2013

Safety Tips On Hailing A Cab

By Kate McMahon

To persons who always want to seek out an adventure, traveling without a buddy will sometimes happen since there might not be someone who will be available. When visiting a place, unfavorable circumstances might arise in the streets. For this reason, Toronto cab riders are often reminded of some warnings for their safety.

Taxis which are legitimate and authorized to drive for passengers are often found in taxi stands which is why finding one is a safe way to hail one. These stands are often situated in the usual streets and can be easily located. Their taxis are following the state regulations set for them and their drivers also have the needed license.

Upon waiting for an available taxi in a stand, notice the color, logos or the type of the vehicles because these will signs to discriminate between a probably fake one. Reputable companies must be familiarized and their hotline must be kept for times of emergency. Criminals often use fake taxicabs as their means of perpetuating their crimes.

Another thing that you have to remember is that passengers are often required to pay a flat rate which is usually inflated when hailing near landmarks or tourist spots. This is also the usual case in arrival areas of airports where the fees are commonly ten time higher than normal. Walking a few blocks from these zones will not hurt.

Before going in the vehicle and engaging its service, always remember to check if it has a radio and a meter because legals ones usually have these. Never hesitate to wave one upon knowing that these are lacking just for safety reasons. Other taxis do not really use meters but they might also be safe, however, be wary about those which do not have a radio because drivers always have to communicate to their headquarters.

In order to keep away from troubles, have a general idea to the very least of the destination as this is another safety precaution. Getting out of the taxicab as soon as possible should be done whenever a feeling of danger arise. Using a GPS enabled phone, tracking down the taxi is also a smart thing to do.

Bags and other valuables must always be at reach so that they could be easily carried when an emergency happens. Taxis with older drivers would somehow be safer to pick. The reason for this is that they have lesser physical abilities compared to the younger ones just in case they will still be doing something bad.

Chatting with the driver would help in easing out fears and anxiety. Another advantage of doing this is that, monitoring his mood would also be possible by observing the tone of his voice. Any irregularities would be known the earliest time possible. The door handle must always be at hand in the passenger compartment in case getting out is an option.

In Toronto cab riders are often reminded that it is sometimes a bad idea to share vehicles with strangers. There are some criminals who uses this scheme in order to do crimes or for them to smuggle their contraband. Call some contact persons who can help with security when times like these happen.

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