Monday, September 2, 2013

A Look At Female Midlife Crisis

By Amanda Baird

People tend to ridicule mid-life crisis, with most of them thinking it is a male domain. The truth is that it is not something that affects men only, and it is only considered a truism until one actually experiences it. While it is referred to as mid-life crisis, it can actually happen to anyone irrespective of gender or how old they are. Here is a look at female midlife crisis and what causes it.

This crisis for many women may not be as vivid as they would think. The lesser symptoms are boredom, a feeling of being worthless, being lonely, anxiety, lack of meaning, as well as depression. Other signs are regularly changing employment or partners, drinking excessively, shopping obsessively but never achieving the satisfaction they yearn for. Divorce, an empty nest, unemployment, a serious illness or losing a parent are some of the instances that can trigger it. It can also just appear from nowhere.

The vital questions to ask are why the crisis happens and the inherent factors that lead women in their mid-30s to mid-50s to go through such a hallowing experience. According to most psychoanalysts, this mid-life predicament is actually something one experiences physiologically as opposed to being a chronological event.

It is often during midlife that women figure out life may not be as easy as it may seem. They realize that it is possible for bad things to happen to good individuals. Actually, this can be liberating despite it sounding somehow grim, since it can stimulate them to quit floating. It can force women to carefully consider the choices they make, the impact these choices have on other people, and the plans they have for the remainder of their lives.

The world that people live in today is fiercely competitive, materialistic and individualistic. It puts emphasis on money, material possessions and celebrity, thus never letting people to slacken. For women, this is quite true since they are under intense pressure to appear pretty and young. They are regarded in accordance to their looks rather than what is inside them.

A mid-life predicament is without doubt painful and is capable of being destructive, but can also act as a vital waking-up call, particularly for ladies. According to certain research, a major attitude difference between gentlemen and women experiencing midlife predicament is that ladies have twice the likelihood to hope for a better future. When faced with the challenges of mid-life; whether illness, divorce, the changes that these challenges will trigger are surprisingly positive most of the times.

As women drop the facade needed to get them through the first stages of life, they grow less concerned with pleasing others and more inclined to take risks. Many ladies are brought up to put the needs of others over their own. Hence, it is not surprising that many of them reach a certain point whereby they have a feeling that they no longer know whom they are.

It is hard to get concrete evidence on how rampant female midlife crisis is. Subjective evidence however shows that nowadays ladies are actually willing to do what is takes to cope with it.

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