Sunday, April 14, 2013

Stuffed Unicorns Are Every Little Girl's Dream

By Camille Nicholson

For every little girl, the dream of having her own pony is her favorite desire. Girls just love the idea of having a horse of their own. For most parents though, this is not reality, as there are many problems attached to making this type of dream come true. The next best thing to getting your little angel a real pony, is to get her a collection of stuffed unicorns.

Little girls believe that their unicorns are the key to all their fantasies. Believing that these magical creatures can fly high into the night sky and travel to faraway places where they can conquer dragons is but one of the many fantasies revolving around these mystical horses. Girls love to believe that their unicorn will protect them from all the scary things that are meant to come out at night.

Many children firmly believe that unicorns hold the magic key to all things mystical. Having their very own unicorn means that they will be protected, much like having a security blanket which they can hold onto. For a child to have a comforting item to hold at night is like having an alarm system in your home. It makes going to sleep that much easier.

Just as adults dream, so do kids. Their dreams may not be as intense, but they still dream about scary stuff. As a grown-up, you can recollect your dreams. Kids can remember their dreams too, and sometimes these may conjure thoughts of fear of being alone. When the small child wakes up during the night, they can hold onto their little fluffy unicorn and believe that by some magic, this mystical horse will keep them safe from whatever is making them fearful.

To small children, there is the belief that the unicorn is magic and that it will protect them against any harm which may come to them. Modern day stories about these mystical animals are told in nearly every tale on the television and in books. The unicorn is portrayed to be one of the most special animals in the whole world.

If you can give your little girl a stuffed unicorn to hold at night, she will go to sleep with an easier mind. Many kids outgrow their little furry animals by the time they go to school. One will find that there is the odd occasion where the child still needs to know that the animal is available should they need it.

If your child is having troubles with waking up in the middle of the night and feeling a little fearful, it may be a good idea to get him or her small stuffed animal. No one can deny that the dark is scary for small children, so give them peace of mind by knowing that they have a special friend to watch over them while they sleep. This will not only make it easier for your child to fall asleep, but it will also allow you an uninterrupted night's rest.

So if your child is not sleeping through at night, it may be a good idea to get a stuffed animal for him or her to hold on to while they go to sleep. A furry toy will offer a sense of security, which no one can deny a small child. Stuffed unicorns just add that little bit of extra mystery to a child's imagination.

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