Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Current Issue Of Irish Party Tshirts Vs. Catholic Tradition

By Paul James

When you think about all of the holidays we celebrate each year, it is so easy to forget that 90% of those holidays were instated by the Catholic Church and have become tradition because they were so tied to the religious practices of our collective past. Well, holidays aren't what they used to be. There is still tradition involved, but we don't spend half the day in church to celebrate. Saint Patrick's Day with its crazy Irish t-shirts and the partying is the best example of a holiday that has completely changed from its original purpose.

Saint Patrick's Day has been celebrated since before the 16th century, and has been a religious holiday since the very beginning. Saint Patrick was actually a monk who brought Christianity to the pagans of Ireland. Ireland is predominantly Catholic now because of Saint Patrick's efforts, so it is understandable that the Catholic Church holds him in enough esteem to celebrate his life. Holding him in such high regards, how could they possibly be happy about the crazy Irish tee shirts and behavior of the youth?

Who really goes out to pray and attend services on March 17th these days? When the kids fill up the bars and pubs with their crazy costumes and Saint Patrick's Day Irish tee shirts, do you think they are really paying homage to a Saint who has been dead for hundreds of years? The holiday is nothing like it once was. Considering the lack of education in this country, I would be honestly surprised if most of the youth even knows who Saint Patrick was.

The damage is pretty irrevocable at this point, I'm afraid. The church can put up a weak defense against the partiers on the day of the Holiday but there is not much more they can do than that. I have seen church members literally get booed out of a bar by a few hundred young people in Irish party tees as they try to hand out fliers that inform about the true meaning of the holiday. While I am not a Catholic myself, I can't help but feel sorry for the people who just want to take St. Patrick's Day back to its roots.

Don't let me stop you from having an awesome time with your beer and your whiskey and your Irish green tee shirts on Saint Patrick's Day. I have no real opinion one way or the other on how you should celebrate the holiday. I do, however, strongly recommend that you do just a tiny bit of research about the origins of the holiday itself before you start slamming down shots. I would love it if one or two people in the country actually paid lip service to the reason for the to speak.

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