Wednesday, August 16, 2017

What You Should Consider Before Buying A Cherokee Camping Tent

By Timothy Harris

First thing to think about when planning a camping trip and buying the tents and other camping equipment, is the weather. One vacation, about nine months after my son was born, we decided to go camping with a Cherokee camping tent at Stone Mountain, Georgia. The campground was great, the camping sites were good, but about half way through the week, the temperature had risen to over 100 degrees around Atlanta.

First, you should think about the types of camping trips you will take most often. If you will be visiting standard campgrounds and parks with your family most of the time, the most important factors in choosing the right tent will be space and comfort, as well as ventilation and extra features. If you plan to do a lot of backpacking and will usually carry all your gear, you will want to consider the tent's weight above all else. You will also want to think of the size or how much space it requires and its durability.

So, now we come to the part of learning how to "pitch" your canvas. "Pitching" is a term meaning "building" or "putting up" a canvas. Follow these simple camp instructions regarding pitching your canvas, and you will have a canvas up and ready in no time at all.

If you plan to camp with children, a cabin style canvas may be more appropriate. These canvasses are designed as their name implies with plenty of headroom, large doors and windows, and lots of space. Multi-room canvass allow you to easily divide the canvas into separate sleeping areas for mom and dad and the kids.

Trap cloth is an important part of a canvas. This prevents water from getting into the canvas as well as protects the canvas from damage from the stones and other elements that may cause some damage to the canvas.

Obviously, if your camp canvas is to be used on a hike, your canvas has to be lightweight and easily packed in. But, most of us will be camp with our car, SUV or truck. So, make sure that you check out the size of the camp canvas, which should comfortably hold the people who are going to be using it. If you choose large ones then make sure that they can be pitched in the areas where you are going camp, but that should not be a problem if you are staying at a campground.

Once you have decided what size canvas will best suit your needs and have an idea of what style you plan to purchase, you should consider the craftsmanship and quality of the canvas. Check the stitching and the seams of the canvas. A high-quality canvas usually uses reinforced stitching and may feature inverted seams to minimize the risks of rips.

For an Alaskan camp excursion, you would require camp canvass that are very thick as well as durable, and which have enough strength to withstand the elements. On the other hand, camp canvases used for places like the Mojave desert, though they must be strong should also not be very thick as you will feel suffocated inside the hot surroundings if there is not proper ventilation provided. Most of us, will probably not be camp in the extremes of weather, though, so choosing a canvas good for moderate temperatures is the best idea.

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