Thursday, January 8, 2015

Good Tips For Exploring Antarctica Cruise Deals

By Enid Hinton

There are many travelers all over the world who share the dream of traveling to the White Continent at the south end of the globe. This is one of the most difficult regions on Earth to explore, as the weather is always changeable. But there are wonders to see and excitement to have there, so literally hundreds of itineraries are available. This is not an inexpensive journey. But, there are many tours priced so that even the budget conscious may go.

One key is to book travel with the most experienced tour companies. Finding antarctica cruise deals is a matter of choosing a shorter itinerary, focusing on a few special spots. In this way, the money spent will bring the most enjoyment.

The week long cruises are about average for seeing the highlights of the White Continent. Most people really want to see the whales, seals, research stations and penguins. Almost every tour includes crossing the Drake Passage to see the South Shetland Islands and then on to Antarctica.

It is customary for the best companies to provide naturalists who provide lectures and accompany travelers ashore. Some ships allow guests to visit the bridge and speak with the captain. These up close and personal visits give glimpses of this part of the world that reach far beyond iceberg sightings.

Though month long voyages can cost in the tens of thousands of United States dollars, shorter excursions range in the five thousand dollar amount. This is very affordable for the average traveler. A week tour can touch on everything wonderful about the area without costing as much as a full luxury cruise.

Ushuaia, Argentina is one of the most popular embarkation points for many expeditions to Antarctica. As the city farthest south on the globe, it is the place where travelers gather to prepare for boarding their vessels. Located in the area known as Patagonia, the city is surrounded by high mountains which may be explored. There are many delightful cafes where chocolate is served as a local favorite treat. Once boarded, seafarers will travel into the Beagle Channel on their way to the Southern Ocean. The tour companies warn to prepare for rough waters at this point, but also advise that the weather is never the same, and calmer waves may also be present.

To call these cruising deals expeditions is highly accurate. The guides have specific coordinates in mind that they want their passengers to experience. With the highest calibre vessels, it is possible to voyage into ice filled waters, depending on the skills of expert crewmen. Weather allowing, views of Crystal Sound and the further south Marguerite Bay are goals for many captains. Expeditions may involve hiking in snow shoes, sea kayak excursions and overnight camping on ice landings.

Regardless of your personal budget, Antarctica is a possible destination. Discussing your desires with a knowledgeable tour director will give you a multitude of possible options. There is truly something available within a price point that is satisfying to anyone. Decide what you absolutely want to see and what is negotiable. Learn what the difficulties are in this type of travel. Book your expedition with the guide who speaks the most clearly and honestly about safety, options, and price, and then go on the dream trip you have been anticipating.

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