Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Motion Sickness Away

By Tina O. Bowers

Have you ever experienced getting seasick when you are on the boat, or carsick when you travel on the road, or maybe airsick when you ride an airplane? I am not an exception to that. Many times I have experienced motion sickness during my travels. I could still recall when I road on a ship. There was a storm at that time. The winds were strong that it felt like I was riding on a big swing. It was a nauseous feeling. I was feeling lightheaded and lost my appetite because everything I ate just went back up. There was also this time when I rode on an airplane. A few minutes after take-off, the plane experienced some turbulence and I felt sick. It did not take long, I spilled out my breakfast. I'm glad they had paper bags for that. At both trips, I was able to experience discomfort, motion sickness that is.

When the motion you perceive does not agree with your vestibular system's perception of motion, motion sickness occur. It is also called kinetosis or travel sickness. The vestibular system gives us a sense of equilibrium. A person having motion sickness typically feels dizzy, worn out and queasy. When one feels nauseous due to motion sickness, there is the feeling of an unsettled stomach and as a result will throw up naturally.

Motion sickness can be alleviated. It can be done by modifying your activities during the travel. A common suggestion for someone who experiences car sickness is by simply looking out of the window of the moving vehicle and gazing toward the horizon in the direction of the travel. It helps reorient the inner sense of balance through a visual reaffirmation of the motion. Others who travel by boat, may opt to go to sleep during the entire trip rather than think about the uneasy feeling. With the modifications of some of our actions, there are still instances that can't be helped thus we still feel the motion sickness.

For some people, they take medication for motion sickness before they ride in the car, on the boat or on an airplane. These medications can be bought over the counter or can be prescribed by your physicians.

There is a product at Safe Home that offers an option that does not require you to take any medication at all. It is the Relief Band Motion Sickness Watch. This band assures you of eliminating that nasty feeling of getting seasick, airsick or carsick. It is non-prescriptive so you do not need to get your doctor to sign a prescription for you to buy one. This product is very handy. Just simply wear it on your wrist every time you travel on a plane, on a boat or inside your car. Within minutes, the band will take its effect by gently stimulating your nerves.

Use your Relief Band Motion Sickness Watch every time you travel and say goodbye to motion sickness!

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