Monday, February 25, 2019

We Have A Look At Rafting Companies

By Harold Murray

You like water? You like rowing on a boat as you go through a body of water? Do you think this is because you have a theory that you were a fish or a mermaid in your past life or something? Same. Do you want to go back to your roots? Then what is the best way if not getting into rafting? They even have one thing that is called a Rafting Company In Nepal.

If you are merely doing this very expensive hobby out of curiosity then all we can say is that you probably have a lot of money and time on your hands. Maybe you should spend it on something a lot more productive? Like a business? Just so you can have something back for all the spendings you just did there.

Nepal is where our tallest mountain resides in and if that does not sound like a good idea to be in right now then we do not know what is. Then again, you could just go to Japan too to get all the Otaku and nerdy shit out of the way as well as start your own anime shop there and you would be happy for life either.

Because, you know, with Nepal having the Mt Everest and all. And tourists would probably try to climb that thing like some absolute idiots that are determined to die. Maybe they want to reenact the climb on the wall in Game of Thrones? Maybe this is the only way for them to feel alive, by having fear course through their veins.

No great businessman starts like that. You think Elon Musk became a CEO all because he thought to himself one day, Wow I feel like I want to go to Mars someday just because I feel like it? no, he had that idea at a young age and worked himself up and up until all the hard work and blood, sweat and tears finally paid off.

We have had enough of all the weird shit we see online involving men and their insatiable lust for inanimate objects. Poor objects, they never saw it coming. But yeah, that type of business should be a little bit fruitful to you since you love the thought of being in the water and joining your group of friends in trying not to drown in a river.

Not dying would be nice. It beats dying itself and what would you be doing when you are dead? Nothing except being useless in a casket for all of the time. Unless you somehow found a way to revive back to life or to reincarnate on your own free will.

Speaking of, if you DO know how to do that, can you tell us how to do it? we would like to be reincarnated in a life that does not suck as much as this one, thanks. Who else here thinks that their first life sucks? Or is it even our real first life?

It is a never ending battle within ourselves, the same way we have a problem with dying and not staying alive forever. Because while we are deathly afraid of death, we also refuse to live forever.

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